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Monday, May 23, 2011

Saving while on Vacation

So in a few short weeks my family and I will be leaving on a 3 week vacation to Florida :)  Last night my husband and I were talking about a few strategies to save on expenses...actually, the conversation started out, "HOW AM I GONNA PACK ENOUGH STUFF FOR ALL OF US FOR 3 WEEKS!"  We are flying, and just won't have enough space to pack diapers, wipes, snacks, drinks, and most toiletries for that amount of time.  So we will have to do shopping.  
Although we have saved cash for the entire trip, I really don't want to spend vacation money on shampoo and diapers.  The good news is that a Publix, CVS, and Walgreens are located within walking distance.  So, here are a few ideas that we came up with to help save on our trip (and might help you too)...

  • FOOD: I will have my coupon binder with me and plan on watching blogs local to the Florida area for the Publix coupon match-ups.  We typically will eat a homemade Breakfast and Lunch on vacation, but will eat dinner out.  I will coupon for essential staples and snacks.

  • Toiletries/Diapers:  I will save all Walgreens Register Rewards 2 weeks prior to vacation and use those on shampoo, conditioner, diapers, and wipes.  Same goes with CVS Extra Care Bucks (the great news is that ECB's are good for 1 month!)

  • Restaurant Dinners:  when runs their Gift Certificates at 80% off we bought a few (Paid $2 for a $25 GC).  I also have a few from Christmas gifts that I haven't used!  You can type in your local area and it will show you restaurants that are participating locally.  This is a nationwide program.  

  • Flight: we chose to book a Flight with Allegiant Air.  This airlines flies out of Huntington West, Virginia.  We were able to book these flights a while back for $46.99 (of course there are extra taxes and charges that apply, but this was still an awesome deal).  We will have to be taken to WV (my grandparents volunteered, but it's a straight flight).

    These are just a few quick ideas to help save money.  Will there be splurges and impulse buys?... absolutely, we're on vacation!  But I still want to live by my motto, "Save where you can, so that you can Spend where you want!"

    Feel free to share any ideas that you have for saving money while traveling on Vacation!