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Friday, May 6, 2011

Is the Coupon Craze Driving you Crazy?

Is the Coupon craze driving you crazy? This week I made ONE shopping trip (none to the Grocery store).  During the week of the Kroger Triple coupons, and this past weekend at Walgreen's I am stocked for a while, which has allowed me to not even think about any major coupon shopping (although yes, I still post deals on the blog).  Stocking up and taking a break for a week or two really helps prevent what I am calling "Coupon Burnout."

Trust me it's Completely Normal...

When I first started couponing I remember spending hours on the floor looking through inserts, clipping coupons, and organizing them just so.  I would get anxious thinking, will they have all of the items in stock , what will I do if they don't? Will the cashiers be rude and what will they think when I whip out all these coupons?  I would get so excited that I couldn't fall asleep, and when I did I was dreaming of the checkout  For a while I thought, "Is it really worth all of this stress?"

Does any of this sound familiar?

Again, it's completely normal, and the excitement fades after a while.  I still get excited about deals, but often you'll hear me say, "It's a great coupon, HOLD on to it for that great sale."  No need to rush out :)

Here are a few tips:

Take some time off--if you feel exhausted or stressed, take a few days, week or more off.  Nothing is so important that you are feeling like your driving yourself nuts!

Print off Store Policies and take them with you--  the better armed you are with the information makes the transactions go smoother.

Don't try to do every deal--if you have been deal hunting you'll notice THERE IS A GREAT NEW DEAL EVERY WEEK.  It's always something new, you will drives yourself crazy if you are out running to the stores in all of your free time.
    Keep your transactions small.  Especially at the stores that require multiple transactions (Walgreens, CVS).  When my sister and I went to Walgreen's on Sunday, and she did 5 different transactions we were stressed keeping everything organized and there were 2 of us!  

    Be Patient and Don't give up.  Don't burn yourself out and give up.  Couponers save thousands every year, keep working at it until you've got it.  If you need some encouragement find a great coupon mentor, and keep checking sites like this for tips and motivation.