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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stockpiling versus Hoarding?

With all of the buzz lately about TLC's Extreme Couponing Show, I thought I would type up a quick post about Stockpiling.  I know a lot of you were very, well, "put off" by the "extreme-ness" of the show (including me).  I think it is important to note that reality TV is not always reality.  However, the participants of the show's homes are real.  
Stockpiling.Does the notion freak you out? Make you think of someone with a mental disorder? Or maybe you think of someone that's in a cult, preparing for the Apocalypse? Maybe you just think of Grams and Gramps, fresh out of The Depression Era.
Let's get something straight. I am not advocating you HOARD items. Hoarding is when you collect more than you can reasonably use or need. We are NOT going to learn how to do that, dear readers. 
What we are going to talk about is stockpiling. After some thoughtful reflection, I came up with this list of qualities of a good stockpile:
1. Usefulness. It only makes sense to store items your family will use regularly. Your time & space is valuable. 
2. Date-Conscious. Mind your expiration dates! Don't stock up on two years' worth of salad dressing if it will all go bad in 6 months.
3. Organized. I'm still working on this, but a good stockpile should be organized to help you with your cooking, meal planning, and grocery list-making. 
4. Diverse. I'm also working on this one. It's a great idea to stock items for a wide variety of meals. I love to look for the basics – pasta and pasta sauce, rice, cereals, canned beans, canned veggies, soups, tomato-based products, condiments, etc. 
5. Inspiring. Your stockpile should inspire you to want to cook and eat at home! Remember, you're trying to save money, right? By stocking a variety of foods, you will have fun selecting a snack to prepare with the kids or a last-minute party dish to prepare. 
Does it make sense how stockpiling is not the same as hoarding?